What tpp do i f i downloaded torrent illegeal

According to your heading: Is it illegal to download torrents? Yeah, downloading torrents isn't illegal. What you are downloading might be though.

Everything on those sites are what people had acquired and wanted to share with the world, that's how all of this started. Now they came up with the torrent idea to speed up the process by everyone who had bits of the file who had while downloading and not have ISP know what you were doing. But they now know and have throttle back the bandwidth, send out letters to tell you to stop or else.

Take you to court and sue you to death if you had started to seed. Seed like you're uploading files back so the peers or lechers can take from you. The process is still going on as we speak. Millions all over the world are doing this. Right now the major problem is that all applications setup files if they're just one file sure enough it has some type of backdoor bot Trojan that hops onto your system when you run the setup which is a script itself with instructions Anyway the skies the limit to what you can get but be warn it's not safe, you can get sued by the MPPA and RIA are watching you using Media Defender company.

Torrent sites a lot of them have gone, some have returned most of them are not safe too much crap going on when it comes to all the stuff you can get. Just be careful So, they have to notify you before they actually sue, or what?

From what I have heard, they usually if not always simply ask you to stop, then do something about it. Wouldn't they usually attempt something if you seed , but not if you just download, that is unless you download like a game a day? I very much appriciate that Tipstir. As much as I like this thread, it may get out of hand soon, so we need to be careful here, too. Yes keep cool And Out of trouble Play safe an surf safe I got nothing.

Think I may run another scan tonight just for kicks. TY tipstir for the enlightening information on P2P madness. It really isn't nessary to download illegal software. So much freeware is avaliable these days - you can easily get an other program that does the same. I actually have a question realting to the legality of torrent downloading.

It worked but eventually stopped working right when I needed to reinstall it. Since i bought the game and have my own CD key is it illegal to download a torrent file to replace my first disk? Yes, unless the manufacture allows the game to be downloaded unlikely! This sort of question flirts with, or rather parallels the classic definition of insanity. With all the prosecutions, with all the FBI warnings, with all the propaganda on DVDs, with all the licensing agreements telling people over and over that copying and unauthorized downloading is theft of intellectual property, you still manage to come up with the question, "is downloading illegal".

Well, you would have had to be deaf, dumb, blind, and living in a dumpster for the past 20 years or so, not to know that answer before you posted the question.

I suppose if you ask the question enough times, someone will tell you it's not. Most likely that's the answer you want to hear and it's also the answer you'll choose to believe.

But, you'll have to ask the same question over and over to get the answer you want to hear. So, the classic definition of insanity is, repeating the same behavior over and over, expecting a different result. Sound familiar? So if I shoot myself in the foot enough times, I will howl with joy and laughter? Bit torrent was also conceived to skirt legal issues since no one person was transferring a copyrighted entity, only parts thereof.

Similar threads. Rest assured that torrenting does not equate to piracy. It does, however, provide a very convenient way to do it! The torrent protocol is just a clever transmission method for users to download files more easily. Image credit: Pirate Bay main page. By signing up, you agree to our Privacy Policy and European users agree to the data transfer policy. I feel you, bro. Recently I just download a movie from a torrent site and my relative who signed the contract with the internet provider got a warning via email… It was a scary experience to me since I have never known that downloading a movie via torrent is illegal.

Honestly speaking, that was not the first time I download a file via torrent but I was wondering why only this time I got a warning??? The ISPs are stepping up their effort to combat piracy. They are simply gathering evidence and catch you red-handed. A word of caution: be very careful what you download.

If you are downloading blockbuster movies via torrent, most likely they are illegal. Actually false only illegal to use torrents if u make a profit off of it. Not to download anything shared. Only person who can be charged is uploader if had not paid to access or view product however if had paid and uploaded but say someome bought a dvd or blurae and uploaded copy without making any profit then technically that is their legal right as they purchased that copy.

One could argue payong streaming or cable shows are on gives same rights. Really comes down to if peoppe are smart enough about the specifics of laws. They once tried with me and i proved it was shared copy someone had bought and paid for thus couldnt charge me.

Obviously greedy companys do try to go after people illegally and if people arent educated theu cant fight back. I got the same warning. It was for a brand new movie that was still in theaters.

I believe since it was a copy of a screening for audiences before theater release the production company kept track of who was downloading it and sharing it. Scared the crap out of me and I talked to a guy from the firm that handled legislation for the production company. Needless to I deleted all the movies I downlaoded that day and the Torrent site.

Kind of scared to use UTorrent again…. Many of you keep telling that you got a warning. If torrentz is illegal why use it. If you feel its legal then simply use it. First gather some information about it and study it. I have a question. I recently downloaded a bunch of software via torrents thinking that it was fine and that it was really stealing.

After discussing it with some friends I realized I was wrong. Do you think that if I delete all the software it will be ok. Please respond. You have already broken the law, but to be honest…considering the mass amount of pirates out there no one will even care.

Deleting them would most certainly help your case, but as I said, there is no case to begin with. Law enforcement has enough problems as it is with millions of people illegally downloading content on a regular basis.

You will be fine. To shut down a website, the government has to go through a lot of bureaucracy. I prefer it that way. The less the government can interfere, the better it is for all of us, even non-pirates.

Piracy can be solved through private solutions. Torrent sites are next to impossible to shut down. Governments have raided and seized all the computers and stuff at a location where the website was at. The torrent website was thus shutdown, and it was open once again in less than 48hrs. These sites do a lot of backups of their systems and can get a new location for their servers quickly, but they still have to buy new computers and get everything setup on them, before the website can be up and running again.

Whereas others, such as Mininova. The site is hosted in the Netherlands, and decided to comply with their law that was passed They were shutdown and moved several times before this. It is illegal in most jurisdictions. Untaxed cigarettes are illegal, yet people can still find them. I recently tried to download a game not by torrent and it gave me threats on my computer. Should I switch to torrent? I scan regularly about once a week with MalwareBytes Anti-malware. All this stuff seems very important and it seems very confusing for me.

Now, I hope you are aware that downloading games is also illegal. But if you insist. For example, if there are two identical files, but one has a million downloads and the other has a thousand, then maybe you should go with the one with the millions.

Hope this helped. Well it is illegal if someone copied it and made it free, but some games from the original publisher are free. Yes, there is a surge in FTP free-to-play games, however they have to keep their servers running, too. For this reason, they restrict you significantly until you purchase in-game privileges. I like it. At least someone will try.

I got one warning via a letter from my cable provider, I then switched to Verizon FiOS as my provider. I then got a nother warning: however it was a phone call. Three years later I got a guy in a suit and tie knocking on my door with a list of all the downloads I had done in an amount for me to pay as a lovely fine! Ha ha ha…..! I think Torrent is not illegal, but downloading copyrighted material from torrent is illegal. So buddy, download things that are legal and leave stuffs illegal.

No body can monitor them. So downloading copyrighted stuffs through torrents can work in such countries. Yes this exactly what can happen. Just like people use to buy untaxed cigarettes on the internet, but some states cracked down and forced those buyers to pay taxes, after years. So it is a real risk. I have been getting warning emails from my ISP Comcast for about 10 years because of my torrent downloads.

I have yet to see them take any action against me. Friends uncle is an FBI agent that investigates internet crimes. He said that they are not going after the average citizen who downloads from torrents, but more going after those supplying the illegal content to the torrent sites and those bootlegging and trying to sell the stuff on the street, etc.

I said to him, in light of this new information. I wish to confess to downloading illegal content via torrents, and clapped my writs together in prep.

He laughed and told me that even if he did, it would get thrown out before it made it to court. It would cost the court system over a million dollars to prosecute me and such, even if I said I was guilty and made a written statement to the fact.

Interesting anecdote, thanks for sharing. I too have been downloading for years and have received a few warnings from my ISP from time to time without any other more substantial consequence. Just so that everyone is clear. Downloading copyrighted material is in fact NOT illegal. It is not you responsibility as a downloader to determine if a distributor has a legal right to distribute a copyrighted work.

What IS illegal when bit-torrenting, is the distribution a copyrighted product without license to do so. By default when downloading in a swarm you are uploading, hence distributing the copyrighted product. Aviod identification by this by using an open VPN. A quick google search and 60 minutes of reading up and learning how to use tools such as this will keep you anonymous and keep the torrent market booming. I actually run through a paid VPN and a open VPN also remote connect to a server that was paid for with bitcoin that has rutorrent on it.

I travel alot, and use a live cd distro of linux on a mb encrypted thumbdrive to access all of it. The lesson here is, one can be to paranoid, or one can avoid being detected and avoid the threat letters and possible jail time waiting to see a judge.. Who the hell uses onion routing for Torrents? I didnt know it was illegal and im panicking. I have maybe a movie or 2 and three cds downloaded on my computer now. They need more than a warning and a record of you downloading something to persecute you, if it ever even gets to that.

At one point I had that software on my mac but now I have the newer version I am an expat who lives in China. Over the past few years I have torrented about one terabyte of movies, music, and TV shows which I then copied onto a removable hard drive upon download completion. I plan to return to the U. My question is, is there a way for the government to track my torrents to my removable hard drive?

They may confiscate them no charges, depending on the country and just send you on your merry way. And yes, I did. I feel spied on. Their obligation was to tell me that they received complaints from someone representing the copyright holder. I thought it was only illegal to do the coping and sharing of files. Guess I better stop downloading. Thanks for the info. All of you — just go check out Seedboxes — been using them for ages.

Super fast, easy, simple. You can access from anywhere in the world, even mobile phones. You can stream the stuff after you download it if you have to.

I learned from my son and it is simple. You are not so clever as you may think. At this point it is a matter of ethics and moral responsibility. If you are downloading something that the public has to purchase buy you are stealing. No more torrents, no more media theft. Stop it. It is not worth it. Though original software is for free but some of its contents are paid version and the torrent file which I downloaded was not on most of the torrents site so will it be easier for me to be get arrested.

And If torrenting is illegal so why are the downloaders arrested, I think the one who uploads it should be arrested. I circumvented it by using onion routing. Leave the innocent people alone and go after the real bad guys. Should this worry me?? Was it an email? Did it contain your IP address and a time stamp, and the file you were downloading? Or was it just saying how much you have to pay and how many hours you have?

These are questions you should ask in the process of scrutinizing an email. Interpol usually deals with maritime piracy, not digital piracy. And yes it had a time frame which was counting down from 48 hours. They had my IP address and they even knew my location and the user name of my computer. So I immediately disconnected my internet on all accounts and went into safe mode, using system restore to get my computer working again… So getting to a conclusion this is possibly, maybe, just someone trying to scare me?

My real question is what should I do now? Or should I also get rid of any and all items, maybe even the hard drive I was using? Seems to me like the F. Makes up for being illegal no? In some countries its very difficult to buy Original DVDs of movies, games and music etc. So, living in a country where the original content is not available in the shops, what do you recommend people should do?

Pay 1USD for the pirated content available in the markets. I have not heard of any law that stops pirated content to be sold in the shops in the country im talking about.. Or may be there is a law but im not aware of it. Just food for thought. At first? However, they can get clear evidence that you downloaded them, and that could be enough for a lawsuit. Usually, cases of piracy are tried in civil court, although I have heard of countries in which it was moved or initiated through the penal system.

Very few people get caught, but I recommend not risking it if you are afraid. Chances are you might. Also i feel that i am addicted to downloading torrents. The longer you do this, though, the higher your chances are. Most people use this. How can we get caught it? If i download it from example Ipad and they come to the door and just hide the Ipad and turn off can they find it then :D? Im moving from Croatia to Germany next week so wondering how to dl torrent and be safe.

Im downloading torrent to some Franch server justseed. Is that safe enough? What do you suggest? Hi guys, Im moving from Croatia to Germany next week so wondering how to dl torrent and be safe. I cannot speculate on this, since this is a highly sensitive matter that could have legal implications.

I am asking if this is legal what I am doing since the torrent is being downloaded to franch server and I just dl completed file with out any sharing to my mac? The same can be said for German law. Hello, I live in Bangladesh. I know torrent is legal here since everybody download via torrent and nothing happens. I downloaded over 2 TB of movies and tv shows and copied everything in a hard drive. I will go to california for university within a couple of months and take the hard drive full of movies with me.

Will I get caught if I watched theses torrent downloaded videos from the hard drive over there in my pc. Another thing is are streaming websites for tv shows available in usa such as watchseries.

If it has pirated films, only you would know that. To be safe, I tried the site you mentioned from a remote computer in the United States, and it worked fine. Will the customs not check the hard drive or DVD one is carrying? How safe is it to carry a hard disk into US?

Junaid makes a good point. Do I take my external hard drive and laptop with me in my carry on bag or do I put my external hard drive in my suit case? Do US customs check the contents of my external hard drive and laptop?

The internet, the final frontier, these are the downloads from those bold enough to share what no man has shared before. What is any law enforcement group going to do really…. They cant say you did it, only that it was done using your internet connection.

You could claim a virus did it on your computer. Basically i couldnt imagine any court deciding that based on your ownership of an internet service policy that you are responsible for things downloaded without knowing that you were the one to download it. That would be like saying that you are responsible for a car crash when your car was stolen just because you owned it, this shit wont ever make it through the system based on expense and the fact that they cant pick and choose who they want the prosecute they cant ignore part of the list and send different parts of it to gaol, that would be discrimination.

If you are concerned with the ethics behind it then consider that you basically still pay the full amount to see the movie at the cinemas.

Paying the full price to watch the movie once and then paying the full price to get the movie to watch again is a scam anyway. As for the torrent software, you do not have to delete it.


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