By joining Download. Free YouTube Downloader. IObit Uninstaller. WinRAR bit. Internet Download Manager. VLC Media Player. MacX YouTube Downloader. Microsoft Office YTD Video Downloader. Adobe Photoshop CC. VirtualDJ This game is massive.
This of course always happens at the most inopportune times, resulting in your death. Frankly, I was disappointed in this obviously glaring defect in what I consider to be an upper echelon game. Connected to this was the fact you can pull the triggers and the camera would rotate around the character Typically this will only worsen the already sketchy camera angles, as it will automatically return to its original position when you let go of the trigger.
Each level looked vastly different, with great depth and detail. I was in awe the first time I played as Knuckles in the Halloween Nightmare level. SA2 is a game that deserves to be played on the big screen with its awesome look and phenomenal scope.
Lastly, SA2 continues in the vein of Chao breeding. Chao being little creatures you find, nurture and groom in the virtual land that is the Sega VMU. You can also play several Chao games on your VMU while on the road. I personally only played the Chao game a little, as it does not affect the overall game. This includes a racing level that must be unlocked. In a word: Impressive. And with its 60 frame per second speeds, the screen never lags while keeping all objects looking crystal clear.
Here is another gem in the Dreamcast library. In all actuality, SA2 is an excellent purchase title in what will ultimately be a limited number of Dreamcast games released this year.
Browse games Game Portals. Sonic Adventure 2. Install Game. The 15th Anniversary of Sonic the Hedgehog Follow Me Inside, Outside The Sonic Stadium.
Search In. Share More sharing options Followers 1. Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2. Recommended Posts. Froggy Posted February 16, Posted February 16, So, ever wanted to play the Adventure games on the go? Now you can! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options The drunkard from space! Thumbs Up Loading Froggy Thumbs Up Loading TCB Posted February 17, Posted February 17, Noob question; when you say this: Step 3 Now before you get excited and start playing, there's just one more thing you need to do.
Froggy Posted February 17, For the 3rd hit,he keeps the lasers on this time and tries to hityou, they are harder to dodge now, just hit theswelling area. For the 4th hit, he shoots 2lasers this time, this gets difficult now, try tododge both lasers and get to the swelling areaalso, he shoots eggs out after about 20 secondsif you havent hit him yet. For the 5th hit, heshoots eggs and lasers now, try to dodge and hitthe swelling area.
For the 6th and final hit, heshoots even more eggs and his lasers are moreaccurate, it is very hard to hit him now, butwhen you do, you have beat the game! To make a choa turn hero of dark faster, havethem win a couple of races, then feed them a lotof food.
After that go to choa kindergarten andbuy either hero trait fruit, or dark trait fruit. Then leave your choa alone for a while buyplaying with another choa in the same garden,your choa will transform faster than if yo justtrain and feed it. To get a pure black chao not the ones you petwith a dark character you have to buy it in thetiny chao garden.
It rings but its worth it. Instead of having to chase down an energeticchao, you can call him to you side. Use the samecharacter to give upgrades to the chow for alittle more than 2 years of it's life. After two years, if th3e chow canwalk, you can use the same character it knows toand whistle to call it over. If It's notsleeping or swimming, it will run over with asmile on it's face. This won't work if you hitthe chao or do anything that would ordinarilyremove a hat.
In the Final Chase get to the pole that has anelectric fence all around it get to the top andyou will see a square platform with Mystic melody. Next go to the ledge of the top area. Then you will see a painting that youcan dig into. The Mystic Melody is behind thepainting.
First you need to go to the Hidden Base stage andyou need the bazooka power-up. Next you keepgoing until you see a small pat with a chao boxon it. You will need this item if you want to get pastthe 3rd mission on all of knuckles' levels.
Use Mystic Melody when youcome by a little shrine then you will have to do or go on whatever happens after a while you willcomplete the 3rd mission.
Go to the meteor level,when you start you should see a big platform in the middle of the level, go on there and blow every locked door open with the big meteors that are blue to open them. Once you find the metel crate, break it open and there should be a switch, once you hit it, you should see a very short clip of where you need to go and it opening, go down there to get the sunglasses.
They will let knuckles see invisibal stuff. Beat hero story level final rush, get the mystic melody there. In stage select beat collect rings, when you do the misson, find the lost chao, collect as much rings as possible through the level and go through the back ring at the end, do this until you have rings, this is useful for getting the shiny eggs.
When you have rings look for the ruins and play the mystic melody by it, and bounce your way up to the chao! To make it simple, just beat the story's once andthen you can go back to a certain scene and startfrom there. Each time you exit the story modeyou can start from a different scene. This workswith the Hero, Dark, and Last scenes. You know when you find gold-like beetles. Destroy them very quickly or else they willdissapear.
Kill one, you will have an extra points not coins. Now go to the floor you started on and run around. Drop in and walk down till you find water. Swim down and go through each tube and down into the little drop off. After that you have keep on pressing A to swim up faster. Finally, jump once to reach the Air Neckalace. Swim back down on your way, you will never loose air. Feed your chao lots of yellow animals this takestime to do so be patient!
Then keep on feedingyour chao tellow chao drives. After a while itwill starn to turn dark and greenish. Note: Thisworks best in the dark chao garden. Also it willstart forming antlers just like alien. In Dr. Eggman's level Lost Colony, when you startgo down the hall and in the room to the leftshould be a bat. Pick it up then go to the choagarden. Give it to your choa. He will lose hislegs. In Knuckles' Pumpkin Hill stage, go to the one of the train gates.
You can seeBig The Cat hiding behind the gate, waving to you. Sonic scene. Lookfor him at the right of the screen, running downhill on the sidewalk away fromthe truck.
In the Tails stage where you are running from the police and you firstget your hover ability, Big The Cat can be seen again. There is a part in thelevel where you need to knock a column over in order to use it as a step to reacha higher level, from which you hover over to a platform with a police barricadeand two robots.
If you miss the platform and fall in the hole, you will see Bigthe Cat sitting on the girders underneath the platform. You can also see him inthe battle against Sonic while playing as Shadow. This can be quite difficult. If you have enough lives you can dothis trick. If you cannot seem to find the Emeralds, intentionally die. You willkeep the existing Emeralds that you have collected. You will begin at the startof the level and the Emeralds will move to different places.
This is the fastestmethod for completing the stage if you are having trouble. At the start of the City Escape stage, instead of landing on the ground with theboard, scrape the roads on the board. When on foot run full speed at a wall andget knocked down. Pause the game if you fall after hitting the wall. Choose torestart the stage to run on foot and not on the board.
Go to a Chao Garden and get a coconut. Then with a sleeping Chao, pick up thecoconut and put it by the its head. The coconut will act as a pillow.
Find one of the Skeleton Dogs; the easiest place to do so is the Pumpkin Hillstage with Knuckles, and combine it with your Chao. With either Knuckles orRouge, start digging around in the Chao Garden. Eventually a pumpkin will appear.
If you give it to the Chao mixed with the Skeleton Dog it will put it on itshead. If you want to take it off, either throw or hit your Chao. Raise a Hero Chao with one of the three Hero characters.
Continually feed andtrain the Hero Chao and it should evolve creates a tear-shaped 'cocoon'. Onceit evolves, ascending stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to theHero Garden. Raise a Dark Chao with one of the three Dark characters.
Continually feed andtrain the Dark Chao and it should evolve creates a tear-shaped 'cocoon'. Onceit evolves, descending stairs should appear at the main Chao lobby leading to theDark Garden. To make a Chao a Hero, simply use a Hero character and keep petting them. If donelong enough, it will go white and be a Hero.