These are not the people you should seek to offend or deceive. Ensure that you know exactly who you are dealing with before you take action. Greene explains that your own independence should be considered a strength, not a weakness. Do not fall into the common trap of committing to someone or to a certain side.
Always remain strong to yourself and your own goals. Being independent will put you in a position of power, people will come after you, wanting to enlist you, and they will likely argue over you. This establishes you as the one with all the power. Part II: Do not commit to anyone — stay above the fray.
Greene encourages you to use this need to be smart to your advantages. Consider your enemies and victims, and make sure they feel like they are smart, smarter than you even. And if you can establish this false sense of confidence within themselves, they will never suspect you.
However, Greene recommends surrendering in these situations. By surrendering, you warrant yourself the time to recover. Rather than letting them overcome and defeat you, be the bigger person and step aside first. Greene explains this point with a mining metaphor. If you find a mine full of riches and continue to mine deeper and pursue it further, you will find more and more wealth. Greene explains that intensity defeats extensity and this is what you need to keep in mind always.
He has mastered the art of indirection; he flatters, yields to superiors, and asserts power over others in the most oblique and graceful manner. Learn and apply the laws of courtiership and there will be no limit to how far you can rise in the court. Society will try to enforce certain expectations on you.
But Greene emphasises that you do not need to adhere to these. You have the ability to re-create yourself. You can be whoever you want to be, and you are in control. Greene encourages you to be someone who demands attention, someone who is dramatic and has a strong and powerful character. You must keep up appearances of a well respected and well-behaved citizen. Never let it be realised that you have dirtied your hands with corruption or manipulation.
Your appearance is critical to your power, and you must withhold your reputation. Greene recommends letting other people take the blame for any actions that are not going to be well received. Never get your hands dirty publicly. Everyone wants to feel like they belong to something, and everyone wants to believe is something that is bigger than themselves.
Greene explains that people are always looking for something or someone to follow, so take advantage of that need and desire. To gain a following, promise plenty of hope, be enthusiastic and offer new regimes for people to follow. Greene explains that a key to leading people is asking them to make a sacrifice for you.
This is how you build a following and a belief system, leading to more and more power for you. Greene emphasises the importance of always acting with intent and confidence. You should never begin anything if you are unsure. Any doubts you have will only hinder your results. Greene believes that boldness will gain you a lot more power and admiration that being reluctant ever would. Greene recommends planning any action out from beginning to end. By planning you will eliminate the aspect of surprise and will be better prepared for the task at hand.
Never enter anything unprepared, always know the end goal and be thinking a few steps ahead. Regardless of how much time, energy and effort you have put into something, you want your results to seem like they were natural and completed easily.
Appearing like you can achieve so much with so little effort will emphasis your power. When deceiving someone, you want them to feel like they have a choice, let them feel like they are in control when really you are making the rules. If you can provide an option with two outcomes, both that benefit you, your victim will feel like they made the decision and this will cloud over your deception.
As long as you are benefited with both options, then this will work in your favour. Consider the idea of presenting them with two evils, giving them the chance to pick the lesser of two evils. Greene explains that the truth can often be nasty, negative and generally not very appealing. Know About Robert Greene. Robert Greene, the author of bestselling books including Mastery, The 48 Laws of Power, and The Art of Seduction both from Profile , has a degree in Classical Studies and has been an editor at Esquire and other magazines.
He is also a playwright and lives in Los Angeles. Process Determinacy of the Product: Static vs. Dynamic in English into Arabic translation Translation is not only determined by text-type as seen in translating legal texts, but also by the method, approach, strategy or technique which lays constraints on the translator who commits himself to adopting it.
If he, for instance, opts to formal equivalence which brings about a static translation perhaps because of being incompetent or ignorant of the dynamic type which utilizes the TL potentiality as might be demonstrated in the following examples m employing an Arabic prefix : 1.
He deemed the matter easy 2. She asked him for mercy, but his heart has turned into stone. He drew water from the well. The dynamic counterparts of the above sentences employ the Arabic prefix which expresses request, new state or change:. Static Tr. Dynamic Tr. The sad news made her cry. Or: The sad news caused her to cry. Likewise the translator uses the Arabic verbal sentence instead of one starting with verb to be kaana or with a noun or preposition: 1.
His two hands were tired. It is difficult to understand the question. Children are afraid of dogs St. It was night, all was quiet, there was utter silence. Dyn Tr. My friend was angry then he became tongue-tied St. ST: The plain was rich with crops; there were many orchards of fruit trees and beyond the plain the mountains were brown and bare.
There was fighting in the mountains and at night we could see the flashes from the artillery. In the dark it was like summer lightning, but the nights were cool and there was not the feeling of a storm coming.
A dynamic translation free from the repetition of kaana is as follows:. A static translation determined by formal equivalence overlooks the cognate or accusative object in the Arabic dynamic rendition, e. He loved her very much St. It was well designed St. He was given a good beating St. He shouted as usual St. He talks like a child St.
The employer treats the workers badly or: in a bad manner. St Tr. Brill, Leiden , we have opted for the strategy of transferring Arabic repetition into English variation.
This strategy has been backed by many proponents such as Lehrer 67 who imperatively asserts: "Do not keep using the same word repeatedly, vary the lexical choices if possible". Axiomatically, variation in English helps to drift away vagueness and to get rid of the monotonous atmosphere which is likely to flare up if repetition is conserved.
Here are but few illustrative instances:. TT: I recalled the long chain of unhappy events during her existence with a vulgar, lecherous husband. I recounted the jealousy which had devoured her, the humiliation which had saddened her soul and the fear which had tormented her heart. Then I brought to memory the mishap which had utterly crushed her when she heard the news of her husband's murder and the deplorable and shameful conditions in which he had met death.
Then I thought over the infinite sufferings which had submerged her like water does a drowning man when the family had disowned her, turned her out of doors and exiled her and her two daughters. I relived these sad memories which did away with any possibility of refusal or discussion; I had to obey and be resigned.
The Call of the Curlew It is worth noting that Taha Hussein seems to have used the verb dhakara in the more common form: tadhakar. I have lost the notion of things around me. Translation Indeterminacy By and large, translators rarely commit themselves to one particular method or strategy. More often than not, diverse methods or strategies bring about a miscellany of translations.
Furthermore, there can be more than one accurate or acceptable translation of the same source text furnished by different translators or even the same translator at different times. The possibility of generating more than one translation has prompted Willard Quine in Baker, 11 to propound the thesis of the indeterminacy of translation.
It is based on the notion that there are always different ways one might break a sentence into words, and different ways to distribute functions among words, hence there is no unique meaning that can be assigned to words or sentences.
Quine Ibid unequivocally postulates that there is always a possibility that the same expression or an expression and its translation equivalent could give voice to different modes of presentationi. This is in fact, the crux of the Quinean indeterminacy which, we nevertheless maintain, applies to certain, but not all, types of texts as has already been explicated in the determinacy of translation.
Translators are typically evaluated according to the extent to which they approximate maximal preservation of meaning in rendering non-literary texts, whereas they are evaluated according to the extent to which they transfer the aesthetic values and create an equivalent sense besides the preservation of the original meaning.
Explicitly, the inherent subjectivity, aestheticity and the relativist construal in translation practices render literary translation, especially poetry, totally indeterminate. This is easily manifested in the lethora of translations of celebrated works such as those by Shakespeare and the Qur'an which is unanimously deemed an imitable divine literary masterpiece.
Here are instances of the different translations of the introductory phrase of almost all the Qur'anic suras except one, i. Albeit the surfeit of the translations of the Qur'an, the most recent one is not likely going to bring them to a close due to indeterminacy. This is also true to loftily literary works such as the Shakespearean plays.
Merchant of Venice is a case in point. Consider the following translations of Salerio talking about the Spanish ship "Andrew": I should not see the sandy hour-glass run, but I should think of shallows and of flats, And see my wealthy Andrew dock'd in sand, Veiling her high top lower than her ribs To kiss her burial.
Hussein Amin: - - -. Mohammed Anani:. Amer Buheiri " " Another example: Jessica: But love is blind, and lovers cannot see The pretty follies that themselves commit, For if they could, Cupid himself would blush To see me thus transformed to a boy.
Al-Wakil :. Amin :. Anani : Buheiri :! Poetry is perhaps the most potential domain for the indeterminacy of translation. Not only different translators render a poem or a stanza differently, but one translator may produce, at different times, divergent versions.
We can verifiy the above postulation by translating and retranslating certain stanzas after a lapse of time, as explicated below. So much do I love wandering So much I love the sea and sky That it will be a piteous thing In one small grave to lie. Z-Akins 1 2 3 4 Another example: Call no man a foe, but never love a stranger, Build up no plan, nor any star pursue, Go forth with crowds, in loneliness is danger. Panic in your rage?
Is there relief in your stretching? Or distress in your shrinking? Is there humility in your dropping? Glory in your rising? Sadness in your silence Or happiness in your surging; O sea! Do tell me Good and evil in thee? The night was dark, The sea is in retreat and attack, I was standing, for an answer waiting, But the sea did not tell me.
Nor did the land. And when my night hoary turned, And dawn the horizon darkened, A song was the river chanting And the world pleating and spreading people you find good and evil, In sea, there is rising and ebbing. Version 2 In your stillness, is there safety? And fright in your fury? In your stretch, is there facility? And in your contraction, difficulty?
In your subsidence, is there humility? And pride in your tide? In your tranquility, is there sadness? And in your surge, easiness? O sea! Please tell me: Is there good and evil in thee? I stood at a night, dark and dusky, In attack and retreat was the sea.
The sea never replied, Nor did the land, And when my night turned grey, To the horizon, Dawn made its way, I Heard a river singing. The Universe folding and unfolding, Good and evil in people you see… As ebb and tide in the sea. There can be as many prose translations of the above stanzas as the poetic ones, due to the indeterminate nature of this kind of translation which is like painting, both being facets of art, governed by subjectivity and aestheticity, wherein different painters or even the same painter may produce different paintings of the same landscape.
The task of the translator is multiple: as a decoder, appreciator, critic, encoder and creator who maintains an equilibrium to transfer the SL text semantically as well as stylistically by necessity, he reads each word and each sentence in the SL text as carefully as a critic before he transfers and finally composes it in the TL. Word-for-word translation do not find mercy in our eyes, not because they are against the law of translation as an act of communication but simply because two languages are never identical in their vocabulary.
Lexicalization: To lexicalize a notion, according to Quirk, et aI, is "in lay terms, we now have a word for it. Lexicalization, be it optional or obligatory, renders the meaning of an expression more explicit, or as Lyons elucidates: "it is perhaps only when semantic distinctions are lexicalized, rather than grammaticalized, that what is expressed is explicit.
Modalization Analogous to lexicalization, modalization simply refers to the use of a TL form of modality for a SL preposition. Obviously, modality can be expressed by different parts of speech. The verbal forms of modality in English include auxiliaries such as will, would, can, could, may, might, must, ought to, need as well as finites such as allow, permit etc.
In Arabic too, the verbal forms of modality include auxiliaries such as verbs of "proximation and commencement" like kaada , awshaka ,. In Arabic, too, it can be realized by adverbs such as abadan absolutely particles such as qad may or qat never or a preposition such ala or llaam ,Pill!. The following diagram displays modality in English and Arabic.
Eng: will, would, can, could, etc. Modality and Modulation: Modality is defined by Quirk, et al , "as the manner in which the meaning of a clause is qualified. He distinguishes between modality and modulation as follows: the former is concerned with propositions, the latter with proposals; the former comprises probability, possibility, certainty and frequency, the latter obligation and inclination.
Halliday , too, distinguishes between modality and modulation but states simultaneously that" they are closely interrelated.. They are the same system in different functions, where 'functions' refers to components of the linguistic system: the one is interpersonal, the other ideational. Hence, due to this overlap and what Halliday accurately describes as " the complex nature of the relationship between modality and modulation which he considers a kind of 'quasi modality' ibid: it would suffice here to adopt the term 'modality as subsuming modulation.
Exemplification 8. English Modal Auxiliaries a. You may be right. Possibility: it can also be realized non-verbally: a. It is possible that you are right. Can you call back tomorrow? Ability: are you able to.. You must be joking. Necessity: it is necessarily the case that you are joking. You must be back by ten o'clock. Obligation: you are obliged to be back by ten. I'll write as soon as I can.
Sometimes a modal auxiliary verb expresses more that one modal concept. The following are some examples borrowed from Quirk, et. You may have to play it again. She must have been willing to help. He was about to! He began to read aloud.
Non-verbal Modality The bracketed sentences in 4. In Arabic it can be realized by a noun, a particle or a preposition as mentioned in 4 above and as illustrated in the examples in 5 and 6 below. Rendition of English Prepositions into Arabic: The Strategy of Lexicalization By employing the above strategy, English prepositions are lexicalized instead of being replaced literally by Arabic equivalent prepositions.
The strategy is hoped to reproduce a vivid, creative and dynamically communicative translation. In the following examples, some Arabic lexical items are bracketed to indicate optionality; otherwise lexicalization is obligatory. The university gave a dinner for him. Jones, of the Manor farm, had locked the hen-houses. Orwell: Animal Farm. Rendition of Arabic Prepositions into English 8. It is not my intention to harm you. He died leaving a large fortune.
God has no partner. Have you got a dictionary? Strategy of Modalization - Arabic modality can also be expressed by prepositions such as? You must obey the laws. As a modal, the preposition? Publications shall respect truth and shall refrain from publishing anything that contradicts the principles of freedom, national obligations, human rights and values of Arab and Islamic nation. The strategy explained in 6. Some examples in 4. By way of conclusion, to be dynamically communicative and effective, translation as a TL product should be as semantically accurate, grammatically correct, stylistically adequate and textually coherent as the ST.
The first strategy is that of lexicalization, the second of modalization; through the former, the SL prepositions are lexicalized in the TL, through the latter they are modalized whether verbally or non-verbally. Exemplification has verified the two strategies which serve to produce an accurate, vivid, creative and effective translation.
References - Abdulhaqq and Aisha Bewley. Norwich UK : Bookwork. Damascus: Dar Al-Fikr for Publishing. The Koran Interpreted. London: Oxford University Press.
Gibraltar: Dar Al-Andalus. Taha Husain. The call of the Curlew. Leiden: E. Vol XV, No. In Atlas for Studies and Research. Atlas Global Center for Studies and Research. London: Rouytledge. Routledge Encyclopedia of Translation Studies. London: Routledge. Translation Studies. Revised Edition. Translation and Translaling: Theory and Practice.
London andf New York: Longman. A Linguistic Theory of Translation. The Koran. London: Penguin Books. In Gunther Kress, ed. A Farewell to Arms. Beirut: Libraire du Liban, p. Graham, Joseph F. Translation and Relevance: Cognition and Context. Jerome Publishing. London: Routledge,p. The Call of the Curlew. Translated by As- Safi. Both are not used to introduce a new provisions of the legislature. People v. Subido Peo v.
Mathay that which is afforded by the history of the statute. Director of Lands v. Salaysay v. Commissioner of Customs v. Gloria v. Flavier proposed code. It does not apply when there is a conflict between the precedent and the law. National Federation of Labor v.
Lugi na nga si employer, kikita pa to be adopted si employee?!? Cannot be! Pero intent! Justice Tree?! Illustration of rule Godines v. CA King v. It has with some modification and change, performs substantially been repealed by the Retail Trade Liberalization Act — my the same function in substantially the same way to achieve thesis! Joke only! It is wrong! Qualification of rule of correcting clerical errors huwat?!?
Contention is rejected! BSP Amatan v. Namatay na nga tapos attempted lang?!? No reason why such years imprisonment! CA year-old rape victim! La lang… hehe yihee, Serge! The incumbent is only holding a temporary from which it is derived position. However, in , quota system abolished Victorias Milling Co. Provided however, that statute. Any doubt in this law should be ruled in his favor. CA transferor in the ordinary course of business.
Commissioner of Customs license. Timber is included in definition of forestry Generic term includes things that arise thereafter products par q Sec.
The Code uses lumber in ordinary common usage. Therefore, lumber is a processed log or timber. Gatchalian v. Vargas v. San Miguel Corp. Word or phrase construed in relation to other provisions Malanyaon v. Claudio v. Lopena recall election? Court gave expansive act or law or part thereof passed by Congress or meaning to promote object of law. In Sec. It states: award, order, ruling, decision or judgment unless the officer b Initiative shall extend only to subjects or matters which or body rendering the same or the court, on motion, after are within the legal powers of the Sanggunians to enact.
Gelano v. Krivenko v. System; they pertain to the executive department and simply instrumentalities of the executive power. Santulan v. Escosura v. San Miguel Brewery Inc. British Assurance Co. CA from operation. Zambales Chromite Co. The intent is to public; hence, includes all kinds of land. Virginia tobacco …. Velasco v. Lopez Tiu San v. CIR v.